Roof Damage and Leak
Caused By Tree Litter
Question: Are trees killing your roof?
Answer: Yes - it is possible.
Overhanging trees can pose serious problems and can cause premature failure of your roof. Everything from ice damming, clogged gutters, debris build up, to soft spots and roof-rot.
Prevention: May require professionals.
Limb-up trees to allow enough air-flow and sunlight to allow the roof to dry more rapidly.
Have any dead or broken branches removed from the tree, as windstorms can send those branches crashing onto the roof causing substantial damage.
Do not allow debris and leaf litter to build up. As this traps moisture and can cause sagging, condensation and eventually rotting the roof deck completely. Call Diligent and ask about Roof Maintenance Estimates.
Keep gutters & downspouts clean and free of leaf litter. Call Diligent to have your gutters cleaned and inspected yearly.
if you spot any sagging, puddling, bubbling, or flaking in your roof surface, call Diligent Roof to have your roof inspected right away.